Blog Post

Meet the team - Ursula Hogan

Ursula Hogan • May 10, 2021

Well, what a year it’s been for sure! Who would have thought this time last year, when we were clapping for the NHS and queuing for toilet roll, that a year later we would be in a somewhat similar situation (although thankfully the grocery hoarding seems to be not so much of a thing!)

Ursula Hogan - Bookkeeper

Covid brings new tasks in the office...

At Armet Accounting we have been kept busy trying to keep up with the new rules so we can give advice regarding Government grants available etc., not to mention all the complexities of the furlough scheme. 

Before 2020 most of us had probably only heard the word furlough in old films or books if at all, and now it is commonly a subject for discussion!

Often, we have felt saddened to witness first- hand the struggles that small, medium, and indeed large businesses have gone through in order to keep afloat in these strange and difficult times, but as in everything, there are winners and losers and sometimes, ‘thinking outside the box’ will have created opportunities to carry forward as we begin to return to some sort of normality.

I guess when looking back on the Covid 19 pandemic we will remember some things with horror, but hopefully we will also all be able to think of something that was better in some way than it usually was, or something that we managed to do or learn during the various lockdowns that we didn’t know we could do before. For parents this may be the fact that you managed to somehow get through endless weeks of home schooling whilst often attempting to work from home at the same time!

...and new hobbies at home

For me, my biggest surprise was, (after receiving an artist’s set for Christmas from my husband), that I could actually paint a picture of sorts and could get so absorbed when doing so, that I was able to switch off from everything else that was going on around about me and in the world at large. I will never win the Turner prize or be anything but a very amateur painter, but it is something to carry forward as a new hobby as and when time allows.

So, here’s to us all as we begin to be allowed to socialise more and restrictions begin to be lifted. We've survived somehow, and to echo the words of the wonderfully inspirational Captain Tom Moore “tomorrow will be a better day".

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